‘Could we make alcohol from bread?’

Dunedin Craft Distillers is the first distillery in Aotearoa and one of only a handful worldwide, to produce botanical spirits from surplus bakery products that would otherwise go to landfill.

Sue and Jenny in front of their Dunedin Craft Distillers still
early days gin making Dunedin Craft Distillers
Sue and Bastian stirring mash at the Dunedin Craft Distillers distillery

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It all began in 2019

with a rant over coffee between friends about the thousands of tonnes of bakery products ending up in landfill across New Zealand each year.

The question arose, ‘Could we make alcohol from bread?’.

Jenny McDonald and Sue Stockwell are the team behind Dunedin Craft Distillers and Bastien Gallo joined our team in 2022 as chief mash stirrer and front-of-house specialist. He has introduced popular European digestives to our range and is now learning the craft of distillation.

We share a sense of humour, a care for the environment and a reluctance to let anything go to waste - qualities which underpin every decision we make in our quest to mitigate the environmental cost of bread and bakery products going to landfill.

Jenny and Sue tasting some of their Bay Gin