Cacao Vodka 500ml


Cacao (Chocolate) Vodka is made in Dunedin NZ from cacao husks and nibs, macerated in our bread-based spirits before final distillation to produce a deep, dark chocolate surprise. This vodka is not sweet - just pure cacao in a smooth and crystal clear spirit. Enjoy Cacao Vodka on the rocks or as a base for a vodka espresso martini. 40% ABV

This vodka was a silver medal winner at the New Zealand Spirits Awards 2021

Dunedin Craft Distillers handcraft delicious spirits from surplus bread. Triple distilled and combined with Mount Cargill rainwater, there are 2 loaves in every 500ml bottle!

The 500ml Cacao Vodka is pictured with recyclable T-Cork closure and wax seal.

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Cacao (Chocolate) Vodka is made in Dunedin NZ from cacao husks and nibs, macerated in our bread-based spirits before final distillation to produce a deep, dark chocolate surprise. This vodka is not sweet - just pure cacao in a smooth and crystal clear spirit. Enjoy Cacao Vodka on the rocks or as a base for a vodka espresso martini. 40% ABV

This vodka was a silver medal winner at the New Zealand Spirits Awards 2021

Dunedin Craft Distillers handcraft delicious spirits from surplus bread. Triple distilled and combined with Mount Cargill rainwater, there are 2 loaves in every 500ml bottle!

The 500ml Cacao Vodka is pictured with recyclable T-Cork closure and wax seal.

Cacao (Chocolate) Vodka is made in Dunedin NZ from cacao husks and nibs, macerated in our bread-based spirits before final distillation to produce a deep, dark chocolate surprise. This vodka is not sweet - just pure cacao in a smooth and crystal clear spirit. Enjoy Cacao Vodka on the rocks or as a base for a vodka espresso martini. 40% ABV

This vodka was a silver medal winner at the New Zealand Spirits Awards 2021

Dunedin Craft Distillers handcraft delicious spirits from surplus bread. Triple distilled and combined with Mount Cargill rainwater, there are 2 loaves in every 500ml bottle!

The 500ml Cacao Vodka is pictured with recyclable T-Cork closure and wax seal.